Sunday, January 24, 2010

Haiti Relief

Hello Everyone,

As you well know these are devastating times for the Haitian people who were already living under extreme poverty before the earthquakes. We have joined together with several other mission organizations that are represented here and in Haiti to bring relief and aid to Haiti. Currently we are working with Missions Ventures, Four Square Ministries, International Baptist Organizations, Iglesia Christiana Palabras de Vida, Agape Flights, and YWAM (Youth With A Mission) - who has a base in Haiti - to name a few. Representatives from each of these organizations made a trip over to Haiti within the first few days after the first quake. They were able to check on staff members, friends and family members as well as assess the damage and to devise a plan of how to best serve the Haitians. Upon their return a meeting was held to discuss the needs of the people and to form a list of items to distribute among our supporters and others who are looking for ways to help.
That same group found great favor with many government officials in Haiti and were given armed escorts to and from each site that they went to in Haiti. They were also told that they have free reign in entering Haiti to bring relief supplies, doctors, etc. This is a blessing of the Lord as distribution of food, water and other relief supplies can be a dangerous situation if done by individuals without police or military support to keep order. As you know desperate people do desperate acts. There have been several incidences of mobbing when aid has been distributed and several injuries have been the result so it is a great blessing to know that we have a way to get the aid where it needs to go in safety.
We are working alongside Agape Flights of Venice, Florida who are currently working very long hours receiving and packing airplanes with relief supplies that are being donated, as well as doctors, and other aid workers coming to help. They are using their plane as well as several other planes that have been volunteered for use for the next several weeks. Agape is flying several flights a week here, to the DR, and to Haiti transporting supplies and people. We have opened our home to be used for doctors, relief workers, and missionaries traveling to and from Haiti. It is wonderful to see everyone coming together to help in whatever way they can. This is how the body of Christ should be all of the time in crisis and outside of a crisis.
We are distributing this list as a beginning to what will be a long journey of recovery and rebuilding in Haiti. We will try to keep the list as up-to-date as possible by adding items as necessary and deleting items that have already been supplied. There are a few items that are marked with and asterisk (*) an indication that it would be easier/ more cost effective to receive the money for such items to be purchased here in the DR and then transported to Haiti.
Our internet savvy daughter, Brittany, has set up a separate email for all of the responses coming in about how to help. That email address is . Thank you in advance for all that you are doing to help in the relief and rebuilding efforts in Haiti. May God bless each of you for your sacrifice!


Dominican Coffee* - 20 bags (cost of $2 per bag)
Plastic glasses* - 500 count
Water bottles* - Endless supply needed (Cost of $0.30 each)
Gatorade (bottled or mix) - Endless supply needed
Energy Bars - Endless supply needed
Supligen*(Powdered) - Similar to Pediasure - Unlimited supply (Cost of $8 a can)
Sustagen* (powdered) - Unlimited supply needed (Cost of $8 a can)
Trail Mixes - 50 large bags
Rice* - 75 bags to start (Cost of $20 for 50 lb. bag)
Beans* - 200 bags to start (cost avg. $2 a bag)
Cooking Oil - 50 bottles to start
Food to give away - needs to be easy to prepare over open flame and preferably
individually bagged, boxed, or pop-top since they may not have a can opener.

To make a camp for workers and recovery patients:

Tents - large and small - 500
Sleeping bags - 100
Quality tarps - 20
Portable showers - 2
Blankets -100
Sheets - 100
Rolls of rope (1/2 inch thick) - 3
Printer (Printer, copier, fax) -1 and ink cartridges (one dozen)
Plastic chairs* - 100 (cost of $10 each here)
Plastic tables - 10 - The heavy duty kind that are used in churches with foldable legs
Small plastic garbage bags - 1000
Large Plastic garbage bags - 500
55 gallon drums* - 10 (cost $15 each)

Needs in the Clinic:

Disposable sheets - 2000
Clorox* - 50 gallons (Cost of $7 ea.)
Ink Pens - 200
Pads of Paper - 50
Lysol (Spray and Liquid) - 100
Anti-bacterial soap - Unlimited gallons
Hand Sanitizer (pump bottles preferred) - 50
Diesel Fuel - endless supply needed (cost of $4.00 a gallon)

Personnel Needed:

Organizers - to sort food, medicines, clothing, etc.


Toothbrushes (soft bristle)- 500
Iodine - Gallons
Surgery Kits
Anti-Inflammatory (pill form and injectable)
Carbonated Water - Lots of bottles
Rubbing Alcohol
First-Aid Tape
Needles - all sizes
Antibiotics - Pill form and injectable
Granulated Glucos
Equipment for Sterlizing
Equipment for minor surgeries
Asthma medicines
And anything else a doctor can think of for emergency that is portable and does not
need electricity. =)

That is the list as it stands right now. Again thank you for all that you are doing to help. Supplies can be sent by Agape Flights at:

100 Airport Avenue
Venice, Florida 34285

Please note that there is a $3.00 shipping fee per pound which helps to supply the fuel for these flights. You may also contact Agape at or call 941-488-0990 for more information on shipping or transportation to Haiti.

If you would like to make a monetary donation, please send it to this address:

Bethel Worship Center
814 Fair Street
Camden, SC 29020

Please make sure you put Haiti Relief in the Memo line of the check.

Thank you so much for all your help and prayers!
In His Love & Service,
Greg & Melynda

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