Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We are old...

Well, it is official... we, Greg and I, are old because we now have three teenagers. That's right, Isaiah is a teenager today.
Happy Birthday Isaiah!! We love you!
We were able to celebrate with him today and thanks to a friend Isaiah was able to find a recipe for making Chick-Fil-A sandwiches so that is what I made tonight. They were not exactly the same so I will play with the recipe but they were pretty close. Closer than we have had in over a year since there isn't a Chick-Fil-A in this country. =) We even add the pickles. I made tea mixed with fresh sqeezed lemonade too! We will be taking Isaiah to bowl in the next day or two as he requested.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A fireman in our family and "Did you hear that"?

We had a lot of excitement in our home today. As if we needed anymore of it. lol I must start at the beginning...

I told you in our last post about having a gas water heater downstairs. It is actually just outside of the bathroom downstairs in the laundry room. Well, we were enjoying having warm showers for a while, a nice break for the cold ones we usually have. Anyway, this morning Greg had taken a shower downstairs, then I did so we could go and run errands, buy food for the incoming team and such. We told Brittany that if she wanted a warm shower to take it downstairs and she said she would.

Off we go on our errands and just after we made our first 2 stops we receive a call from Matthew. He told us that the water heater had caught on fire and he had put it out. He was calling to ask what else he should do now that the fire was out. After getting back home and getting the full story we found out that Brittany had been in the shower. She said she was just singing Praise songs and had conditioner in her hair when she heard that still small voice tell her to, "Get out of the shower, now!". She said she started rinsing off to get out and that she heard the same voice (the Holy Spirit) tell her again, "Get out of the shower, NOW!" So she jumped out wrapped in a towel and looked out of the window to see the water heater consumed in flames. She ran to matthew and told him and asked him if he knew where I kept the fire extinguisher and he did so he ran to the kitchen to get it.

Brittany said that he came running back down the stairs with it and ran straight out to the fire and sprayed it like a real fireman and put it out completely. She said, "he was so calm!" she said she asked him after he came back in from putting out the fire if he had ever done that before and he said, "No!" She asked him how he knew what to do and he said he didn't. He said he was trying to read the directions while he was running down the stairs but it all looked like German to him and he couldn't read a word. He said he just looked at it and the thought came to him that the pin sticking out of it looked like one on a grenade so he decided to pull it out and see if he could get it to work. (Thanks to my brother, Brad, for the knowledge about grenades not that Matthew has ever pulled the pin on one of those.) He said he realized that it let the handle loose so he just aimed and sprayed. He backed up and waited a minute or so and looked for any remaining orange glow from anywhere and ran up and sprayed that then backed up again. He said that once it was all out he realized what God had just help him do and then he got a little shakey from it all.

After going out to the laundry room and assessing the damages we realized just how good God is and how tired our guardian angels must be ( ) because the fire could have happened while the kids were upstairs and it could have spread and caught the paint cans and cleaners that were on the opposite wall on fire, it could have followed the gas up the line and blown up the tank that is outside the kitchen window (how it did not only God knows). It could have engulfed the entire laundry room in flames in a matter of a few more minutes...but GOD. He was watching out for my family and for our home. While it did take us a few hours to clean up all that was burnt or charred we are so thankful that it did not spread any further. Go God!!

Later, as I was talking to Brittany about how she had listened and heeded the words of the Holy Spirit, she said there have been several times in the past, the last few weeks especially, when she feels like she heard that same small voice tell her to get up and close her door or close her window or other things and how, even she tought it was a strange idea or saw no real point in it, she would get up and do it anyway. I said that I experience the same thing a lot of times too and sometimes i follow through and sometimes I don't. Like when you lay something down somewhere and you immediately hear that voice or have that thought that says,"you shouldn't leave that there" and sometimes you move it but sometimes you don't and then you end up not being able to find it later or it gets broken or something and then you can think back and remember that "something" told you not to leave it there. I know you have experienced something similar, we all have. We talked about how that can be God using those small oportunities to train our ears to hear Him when He speaks. That we could be tuned in to His voice so that when He does speak to us to say, "get out of the shower" we will listen and obey.

He has such plans for you; plans for your welfare not for evil, to give you hope and a future, (Jeremiah 29:11) and even if you don't fully understand or believe it He cares about the things you care about and He is always there watching over you to protect you. However, you must have ears to hear and the willingness to follow through even when it may sound crazy or ridiculous to you like getting up to close your door or moving something to a different location. He loves you and those around you. Listen for Him today. Listen with your heart it might just save your life!

Friday, March 13, 2009


We have a team staying in our home this week. It is actually a combo of two teams, one has 5 members and the other has 15 members. We aren't leading this team just housing and feeding them. =) If you have never cooked for over 25 people you should try it sometime. It is a lot of work but it can also be a lot of fun. No really, it can be fun!

Anywho, we have a gas water heater and we were trying to bless the team with warm showers instead of cold or shockingly cold showers but it backfired on us because everyone was enjoying the shower so much that they were taking 2 a day and not in any hurry to get out. I know many of you are thinking what is the big deal right? Well, here in the DR things are different, obviously. We have a huge undeground tank (a cistern) in our front yard that holds water that is pumped in from the "street" or city water system and it does not flow everyday. We can actually go a week without it pumping in to refill the cistern. While our cistern is the largest on the block and holds as much as a small swimming pool but we still need to watch our comsumption because we never know when it will stop flowing and for how long.

Guess what happened mid week with this team? Yes, you guessed it...we went from a full cistern on Saturday morning to an empty one on Wednesday morning. That means that with 25 people in this house we could not flush toilets, run water in the sinks, or wash dishes much less take showers. We asked the teams to pray for the water to begin pumping in from the street again and that we would be able to contact a water truck, which can be expensive, to come and dump water into our cistern in the meantime.

We were able to contact a water truck and they were able to come out that afternoon to help replinish the cistern and while they were here emptying the truck of water the street pump came on. Praise the LORD!! It was getting pretty stinky in the humid house with 4 toilets full and needing to be flushed. Haha!

Once the water was back in the cistern we went to turn the pump on to get the water flowing back through the house and it would not work. Mind you that the pump was new, only a week old, and it wasn't working. Matthew came up with the idea of hauling buckets of water to a rope and lifting them up the side of the house to the roof to pour into the tank up there so that gravity itself would help to distribute the water throughout the house. Great idea!! After about 4 buckets he was already getting tired and we were recruiting team members to take shifts. 20 something buckets later the tank was finally showing signs of the work being put in. In the meantime we were trying to get the pump fixed and taking buckets full of water in and pouring them into the backs of the toilets in order to flush them. I just had to laugh. I mean what else can you do in that kind of situation except find the humor right?!

Fortunately, the pump was fixed within a few hours and we were back on track again. Needless to say, there were no more warm showers which meant that the showers were quicker and a little less frequent. Hahaha!

We are so thankful for the teams' flexibility and that they all seemed to just take it in stride. They also got to see God answer their prayers...quickly! All this to say that you need to remember to be thankful for the little things in life. Remember how truly blessed you are in the U.S. that you do not have to worry about your water running out, when you turn on the faucet it is always flowing. No worries about pumps to get water from under ground to your roof and from your roof through the rest of your house and the wondering of when will a repairman get here to fix this problem (in this country taking a few days to fix anything is "normal"). Not only fix it, but do it correctly instead of just rigging it to work for now. =) When you do not know what else to thank God for - though we know there is so much more to be thankful for - just tell Him thank you for running water, a roof over your head, humor, and good friends.

May His love abound in your hearts today and everyday!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Team RC

Things are coming right along on Restoration Ranch. A team from Restoration Church in Spartanburg just left after working long and hard on the ranch. They were able to get a lot of work done in a short period of time.

I had the pleasure of working with Chris and Cliff in wiring one of the apartments of the first building. I learned a lot and had fun doing it. Greg and Matt had the manual labor side of things. They helped with everything from digging trenches for the plumbing of the septic system from the house to the septic tank to hauling cement and block. They worked hard. Brittany was cleaning the boxes were they were building the boxes for the drain system and she said she felt like an archelogist with her paintbrush in hand and gently but thoroughly brushing away the dirt so that the cement blocks and sealing would stay and not shift. Isaiah helped to shovel all of the excess dirt and rock and broken block up into wheel barrows for it to be wheeeled out of the apartments leaving behind cleaner and smoother floor areas that would be ready for the final pouring of the floor.

We also got to experience sleeping at Restoration Ranch. Greg, Brittany, and Matthew slept outside on cots under the gazebo while Isaiah and I share a small pup tent and slept on the ground with a blanket and pillow. Did you catch that? A "blanket"...it was cold down there. Yeah, I know, I know...you guys have had snow and really cold weather but for us, here in a tropical region, it was cold. We each had a blanket and we were curled up and still cold. It was unbelievable!! I was amazing to be able to look up and see millions of stars shining in the night sky because there were no street lights and car lights and such to obstruct the view. It was breath-taking! Greg and Brittany were able to see a shooting star together. A great Daddy-daughter moment indeed. =)

Another first was to be able to cook on a stove outside. It is so different than cooking on a grill. It was fun to try to beat mother nature by blocking the wind so that the flame on the gas stove would stay lit while trying to cook. But that didn't hinder us from making a cake to celebrate a team member's birthday. lol

The team also brought suitcases full of school supplies including pens, pencils, glue, markers, crayons and several hundred notebooks that we were able to take and donate at the school near the Ranch. It was fun to go in to each classroom and listen to the team members take turns in sharing their testimony and then hand out the school supplies to each student. There were several students who stood up before their classmates and either sang a song or gave thanks for the supplies or other forms of gratitude for the gifts they had received. You could see that it touched each team members heart and it was talked about more throughout the evening.

We are very thankful to the team and hope that they are all doing well and are blessed for all the blood, sweat, and tears they pored out to help the dream to become a reality. Blessings and love to each of you!

~The Burge family